Blade Kotelly is a senior lecturer on design thinking and innovation, bringing expertise to the world’s top brands to better …
MIT launches new data privacy-focused initiative
Future of Data, Trust, and Privacy initiative aims to address AI-driven analytics and changing attitudes about personal data. Adam Conner-Simons | MIT …
President Reif urges two-track strategy to achieve global climate goals in 30 years
In a Boston Globe op-ed, MIT’s president argues that the US must invest in new breakthroughs while also deploying all …
Job connectivity improves resiliency in US cities, study finds
New research offers insight for city planning and workforce development. Jesse DeLaughter | Sociotechnical Systems Research Center What makes urban labor markets …
High school students in Hong Kong pitch entrepreneurial solutions to tackle tough challenges
The MIT Node conducted entrepreneurial training for eight secondary school teams selected as finalists by JUMPSTARTER IdeaPOP! — Hong Kong’s student …
Innovation for aviation
MIT students collaborate online with international peers to tackle business challenges for the Hong Kong International Airport. Marina Chan | MIT Hong …
Elisabeth Reynolds tapped for White House role, joining National Economic Council
Leader of MIT’s Industrial Performance Center will bring expertise in manufacturing, jobs, and growth. Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office Elisabeth Beck …
Retrofitting MIT’s deep learning “boot camp” for the virtual world
With technology new and old, instructors try to recreate the interactivity of their pre-Covid classroom. Kim Martineau | MIT Quest for Intelligence …
Business Of Design Week 2020
【伙伴有話兒】MIT HK Innovation Node 「因為擁有藝術及設計相關背景(建築和城市設計),我深信融入生活的設計能幫助人們共建宜居城市,而公眾教育項目就是這個美好改變的催化劑。」 MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node 智慧城市研究及產業合作總監劉昇陽 設計城市係建築師嘅專利?非也,就算只係小學生,只要有合適嘅平台和機會,即使參與短短一個下午嘅活動,都可以有好大發揮。 講緊嘅就係上年MIT HK Innovation Node參與嘅公眾教育項目——「智慧城市」,項目鼓勵參加者運用設計思維探討城市發展及推動本地設計。活動令建築師劉昇陽印象深刻,因為佢見到學生喺工作坊同分享會中展現設計及建築方面嘅潛能,為佢日後構思宜居城市提供更多靈感。 【What Our Partners Are …
QS World University Rankings rates MIT No. 1 in 12 subjects for 2021
The Institute ranks second in four subject areas. MIT News Office MIT has been honored with 12 No. 1 subject …