【伙伴有話兒】MIT HK Innovation Node
MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node
講緊嘅就係上年MIT HK Innovation Node參與嘅公眾教育項目——「智慧城市」,項目鼓勵參加者運用設計思維探討城市發展及推動本地設計。活動令建築師劉昇陽印象深刻,因為佢見到學生喺工作坊同分享會中展現設計及建築方面嘅潛能,為佢日後構思宜居城市提供更多靈感。
【What Our Partners Are Saying】
“With a background of art and design (architecture and urban design), I truly believe design in everyday life can co-create a better future of a city through creative means and people. I think the Design EduVation programme is a good start as a city catalyst.”
Sunnie S.Y. Lau, Director of Smart City Research and Industry Collaborations, MIT HK Innovation Node
Last year, MIT HK Innovation Node participated in the Smart City Series, one of the Design EduVation of CityProg. The programme, which aims at promoting design thinking and exploring the potential of urban development, was impressive to Sunnie.
She was amazed by the great potential and advancement of young students that could achieve within just a short afternoon when the right platform and opportunity was given.
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