Powered by MIT Hacking Medicine, these hackathons aims at energizing the healthcare community and accelerating its innovation. If you’re interested in disrupting healthcare, this is the chance to brainstorm and build innovative solutions with like-minded engineers, clinicians, designers, developers and business people!
Virtual HealthHACK 2021 – Future of Ageing
According to the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong, the number of elderly aged 65 and above is projected to double in the coming 20 years. The median age of the population will rise from 45.5 in 2019 to 52.5 in 2039. Supported by our Growth Partner and Funder, The D. H. Chen Foundation, HealthHACK 2021 invites the community to explore ways to build an age-friendly city in two key areas:
Ageing in Place : The role of the build environment in public heath has its impact on healthy ageing. Ageing in place has been adopted as a key strategy for coping with the challenges of longevity. From the front door to wider neighbourhood, individual characteristics of the elderly’s residential environments contribute to their wellbeing. How might we enhance’place-related’ functional, emotional and social wellbeing for this population?
Caregiver Support : As the population ages, more caregiving is being provided by people who aren’t health care professionals. Caregiving, whether through family, a healthcare professional, or a volunteer, can be rewarding but can also lead to caregiver stress. How might we create services and options to alleviate some of the daily caregiving responsibilities to promote wellbeing for caregivers?
Congratulations to our winning teams from this year! Have a look at their ideas from the links below:
re:MIND https://youtu.be/pNszWdERr9k
MindX https://youtu.be/mpOglBL2ezw
The Givers https://youtu.be/AFSn3xr2Vjs
Caregiver support:
CLAIRE https://youtu.be/APhBpuN001Q
iCare https://youtu.be/04epPWYdy_8
Intelligent Design https://youtu.be/rWs8gl6HW0o

Virtual HealthHACK 2020
Virtual HealthHACK was successfully held on April 25th, 2020. Here are the event highlights:
- Participants were joining from 16 different timezones
- More than 350 active members participated on our platform
- 16,693 messages were exchanged
- Over 40 teams submitted their solutions to the physical, social and emotional wellness tracks
Congratulations on the achievements from these winning teams! Check out their ideas from the links below:
About MIT Hacking Medicine
MIT Hacking Medicine’s mission is to energize and connect the best minds across the healthcare ecosystem to solve healthcare’s biggest challenges and to teach healthcare entrepreneurship and digital strategies to scale medicine. To foster this process, we bring together engineers, clinicians, entrepreneurs, programmers, and designers to collaborate around shared interests, and develop health solutions over a 3-day hackathon with potential for greater impact in the healthcare industry. In these events, MIT Hacking Medicine guides participants through the healthcare design thinking process and strategies developed to constructively tackle systemic healthcare issues and generate tangible solutions.
Who is it for?
- We welcome university students, engineers, clinicians, scientists, designers, developers, healthcare and business…you name it!
How do I register?
- Interested participants/ teams are required to register individually online. Click here for the registration link.
What’s the team size?
- The ideal team size is 4-6 people. Teams are recommended to have individuals from different disciplines to maximize the knowledge and skill sets.
How are teams formed?
- We will create an online platform (Slack) for individuals and teams to come together and share their ideas, interests and skills prior to the event.
What if I don’t have a team?
- If you registered as an individual and do not yet have a team, don’t worry! We will start online networking during the week of May 24th geared towards facilitating team formation and project ideation. We will help you find people to work with!
What do we provide?
- In addition to mentorship, we will also host guest talks and workshops on design thinking and pitching. Ultimately, a great opportunity to learn from each other!
What are the deliverables?
- We expect teams to come with a 3-minute video pitch that can demonstrate a great problem-solution fit.
What are the prizes?
- Winning teams will receive cash prizes and access to facilities!
Any other questions?
- Email hkinnovationnode@mit.edu for more information.