Smart City: Startup Research & Develop on Smart Jade Bracelet for Elders in Kowloon East
MIT News Office
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MIT HK Innovation Node智慧城市研究及產業合作總監劉昇陽指,智慧城市在全世界以至香港已推動了一段時間,現時除了硬件與技術,亦要考慮軟件的層面,從應用與滿足居民需求等着手,讓智慧城市可更貼地。
Sunnie S.Y. Lau, Director of Smart City Research and Industry Collaborations at the MIT HK
INNOVATION NODE, at a recent discussion noted that the concept of smart cities have been promoted in the world, including Hong Kong, for quite some time. She is of the opinion that in addition to hardware and technology, software should be considered. “From now on, the approach for implementing smart cities can be more stick to the ground”, with that she further explained that in the application of smart cities, facilitating daily life through technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data are all but a mean. Ultimately, they should be people-oriented. Therefore, we should not only pursue endless technological upgrades but focus on those challenges faced by the public in urban daily life.
消除私隱憂慮 溝通屬關鍵
Eliminating privacy concerns by communication is the key
In a recent Node’s smart city research project on Kwun Tong, one of the foci was to unfold those challenges of local stakeholders. The study pointed out that many SMEs or NGOs are interested in smart city projects, but there is a lack of appropriate platform for their participation. An opportunity has emerged when new and redevelopments of the area included community reconstruction and industrial revitalization. In Sunnie‘s mind, it is suitable time for SMEs, start-ups and even general public to participate in the development of smart cities, e.g. in Kwun Tong.
Regarding the local debate on smart city technology versus personal privacy, Sunnie pointed out that such anxiety comes from an unfamiliarity with things, coupled with the public’s different understanding of smart cities, “So, communication is the key.” She went on to illustrate that oversea countries have begun to discuss how to collect smart city data while eliminating biometric information to avoid any identity of individuals. This approach will provide greater privacy protection.
香港面臨著越來越多經濟挑戰和新的轉型機會—又隨著傳統的中央商務區(CBD)的飽和,香港政府確定開發另一種CBD的必要性。九龍東包括前機場舊址的啟德發展區、觀塘和九龍灣商貿區,是本港其中一個大型商業區,同時亦是是香港最貧窮、人口密度最高的地方。政府在 2015 年施政報告選定九龍東作為智慧城市的試點,希望將其發展成為第二個核心商業區,並運用科技改善人車流動、環境質素、基建和市民居住及工作的體驗。
In the light of the increasing economic challenges, the Hong Kong government has noted the necessity of developing another Central Business District (CBD), primarily due to the emergent opportunities for. Kowloon East, including the Kai Tak Development Area, Kwun Tong and the Kowloon Bay commercial area of the former airport site, is one of the large commercial centres in Hong Kong. However, it is also the poorest and most densely populated place in Hong Kong. In the 2015 policy address, the government selected Kowloon East as a pilot for a smart city. To improve pedestrian and traffic flow, environmental quality, infrastructure, and residents’ living and working experience, Kowloon East will be developed into an aspiring second core business district with the help of technology.

Kowloon East, including the Kai Tak Development Area, Kwun Tong and the Kowloon Bay commercial area of the former airport site, is one of the large commercial centres in Hong Kong. (Image Source: Legislative Council)
智慧城市試點 發展五年成效不顯著
回顧這五年發展,政府已經在九龍東進行多項概念驗證測試,包括多功能路燈、智慧回收箱系統、智慧人流管理系統及違例泊車監察系統等,惟未能有效紓緩區內交通,人車爭路險象仍舊每日上演。摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)委託麻省理工學院MIT HK Innovation Node(MIT Node)進行研究,以了解經濟差距並發掘九龍東包容性經濟增長的機會,希望打造九龍東成爲一個包容、智能、創新和以人為本的CBD。MIT Node智慧城市研究及產業合作總監劉昇陽認為,發展智慧城市最關鍵是要以人為本,最終目的是提高城市運作的效率、城市包容度、應變能力和居民的生活質素。
Five-year pilot development of smart cities has not achieved significant results
During the five-year pilot scheme, the government has conducted a number of proof-of-concept tests in Kowloon East, including multi-functional street lights, smart recycling bin system, smart crowd management system as well as illegal parking monitoring system. However, traffic congestions still persist in the area with daily vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. JP Morgan commissioned the MIT HK Innovation Node (MIT Node) to conduct research on the economic gap existent in Kowloon East and to discover opportunities for inclusive economic growth in the area. The aspiration is to make Kowloon East an inclusive, intelligent, innovative and community-oriented CBD. Sunnie S.Y. Lau, Director of Smart City Research and Industry Collaborations, believes that the most critical thing to develop a smart city is to put people first; and to place the efficiency of city operation, inclusiveness, resilience and the quality of life as the ultimate goal.

The Energizing Kowloon East Office has placed cameras near How Ming Street along the 100-meter-long section of between Chun Yip Street and Hoi Yuen Road to help drivers locate vacant loading/unloading areas. (Image Source: The Energizing Kowloon East Office)
本地大學生針對九龍東人口老化 研發智能玉鐲
今屆MIT Node 創業工作坊亦以九龍東問題為設計重心,獲勝隊伍是次針對九龍東人口老化問題,研發智能玉鐲「Evergreen」,當長者跌倒或發生意外可得到即時救援,大幅提升存活率。Evergreen 以玉器為原材料,有平安、健康的寓意,同時佩戴的觀感和使用便捷性比一般智能手錶更容易被長者接受。玉鐲內置的智能感測器,能準確偵測長者發生意外的地點和時間,並即時發送訊息給與系統有連接的電話,傷者家人和護老院可及時應對。劉昇陽表示弱勢群體面臨著一系列社會挑戰,我們如何在推動創新解決方案的同時,更好地推動公共,私營和非營利組織之間的合作,以支持公平的勞動力和小型企業發展工作。
Local college students develop smart jade bracelets for the aging population of Kowloon East
This year’s MIT Node Entrepreneurship Workshop also focused on the Kowloon East issue. The winning team developed the smart jade bracelet “Evergreen” for the aging population of the area, which notifies emergency rescue units to locate and help a senior who has fallen or been injured. Evergreen uses jade as its raw material, which carries the meaning of safety and health. Compared to the ordinary smart watches, the appearance and the convenience of use are easier to be accepted by the elderly population. The built-in smart sensor of the jade bracelet can accurately detect the location and time of the accident. It will instantly send a message to the phone connected to the system so the family of the injured and the nursing centres can respond in time. Sunnie Lau suggested that the disadvantaged were facing a series of social challenges. It is important to facilitate the cooperation among public, private and non-profit organizations while promoting innovative solutions to support fair labour and small enterprises.

今屆MIT Node 創業與製作技能工作坊獲勝隊伍研發智能玉手鐲Evergreen,能準確偵測長者發生意外的地點和時間。(圖片來源:MIT Node)
The winning team of this year’s MIT Node Entrepreneurship Workshop developed the smart jade bracelet, Evergreen, which can accurately detect the location and time of an accident for the elderly. (Image source: MIT Node)
據瑞士洛桑管理學院早前公佈「2019 IMD 全球智慧城市指數」,新加坡於全球 102 個城市中位列榜首,香港僅排 37。劉指新加坡早已在生活各方面應用創新科技,包括推行辦公室無紙化、運動手環獎勵計劃等,而香港卻仍裹足不前。她認為香港智慧城市的發展落後於新加坡其中一個原因是國際創科人才競爭激烈,香港推行創科教育比其他地區起步較晚,導致年輕一代對 STEM應用知識的認知不足,如人工智能、開發手機應用程式,數據分析等數碼技能均較弱,令不少本地創科企業、中小企等難以聘請相關的專項數碼科技人才。
Insufficient STEM talent hinders Hong Kong’s progression into a smart city
According to the “2019 IMD Global Smart City Index” published by the Lausanne School of Management, Switzerland, Singapore ranked first among 102 cities in the world while Hong Kong ranked at only 37. Sunnie pointed out that Singapore has already applied innovative technologies in all aspects of life, including the implementation of paperless offices and sports bracelet award schemes. She believes that one of the reasons for Hong Kong’s stagnant smart city development is due to the fierce international competition for innovative talents.
Hong Kong’s introduction of innovation and technology education started later than other regions. As a result, the young generation lacks awareness of STEM application knowledge, such as artificial intelligence and mobile phone development. Digital skills and data analysis are weak, making it hesitant for many local innovation companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises to hire relevant talents.
PDF資料可由此處下載:【智慧城市】 初創為九龍東長者研發智能玉鐲 劉昇陽:智慧城市要以人為本
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